People based motivator

For this new year, I have no resolutions. Well, I have the usual "do a little workout", "don't get up so late", but I don't really have faith in these. Instead, I have a list of projects on which I'm working or I'm wanting to work. And I often have difficulties motivating myself.

My solution is: if you're interested in any of these ideas, come and poke me regularly, to remind me that I have to finish that project :)

Here are the projects:

  • Package manager for Windows: my final year project at Centrale Lille (in progress)
  • Wix port on Linux: because some projects want to generate their installers on Linux, because some people don't want to use Mono, and because I like to play (started)
  • Open source sandboxing application for Windows (in progress)
  • MTP synchronization in VLC media player (in progress)
  • Crash report handling web interface for VLC media player (in progress)
  • Qt embedded interface for VLC (not started)
  • Complete the Windows 7 headers I've written for VLC and send then to MinGW (not started)
  • Contribute to VLMC (not started)
  • Add Minidump support in GDB: I need it (not started)
  • Generate .lib import libraries with ld or with some custom binary running on Linux (not started)
  • Scriptable web client in Python supporting Javascript with V8 bindings (not started)

Some of these projects are maybe too ambitious but, you know, if you aim high, you fail higher than those who succeed :)

If you're interested in some of these projects and would like to discuss them with me, feel free to contact me!