Manage your libraries with symlinks on Windows

My Windows development environment is a bit complex. I work on multiple projects, at multiple versions, with different compiler environments, and with dependencies on different libraries and versions of these libraries.

Rails and oauth-plugin part 2: the consumer

In the previous post, I showed how you could build a provider with oauth-plugin and Rails. Now, I will demonstrate how to build a consumer (it's a lot easier).

Rails and oauth-plugin part 1: the provider

These days, I have been playing a lot with Oauth and its RoR implementation, oauth-plugin. Its documentation is a bit short, so here is a tutorial to show how to use it, both in provider and consumer mode. And we will even make them communicate with each other.

Yet another authentication scheme

Recently, I was asked to design a new authentication protocol for a web service. I know that I shouldn't do reinvent the wheel, so I immediatly proposed OAUTH. It turns out that it can't be used in this situation. Here are the constraints:

The Geal test: extending the Joel Test

The Joel test was written by Joel Spolsky to provide a few very simple questions for developers to ask in an interview. Here they are: